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Safeguarding Children

As professional child carers, we have a responsibility to the children in our care, which includes being aware of possible signs of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional and neglect). We have guidance notes issued by Sandwell Children's Trust and we have a duty to follow their Child Protection Procedures and to report any concerns we may have regarding a child.
At Summerhill's Little Treasures we have a duty to follow Sandwell’s Child Protection Procedures. Whenever possible, we will share our concerns with you before contacting Sandwell Children's Trust. However, the welfare of the child is our first priority, so there may be times when we may speak with Sandwell Children's Trust before advising you. If you know that your child has hurt themselves or is upset, then please inform a member of staff on arrival to the setting.

We would like to stress the importance of open discussion with staff on any problems you may be experiencing at home which could have an influence on your child.


Full copies of all policies are available to parents and carers at all times, located in the policy folder which is available on request.


If you have any concerns, worries, comments or complaints, in the first instance, please speak to:

Your child's Room Leader
Deputy Nursery Manager
Head of School

We will do all we can to help. However, if you wish to take your concerns further, you can contact:

Ofsted National Business Unit
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
Manchester M1 2WD
Helpline: 0300 123 1231

Copies of the Complaints Policy and OFSTED guidance is situated on entrance to the setting and parents/carers have free access to these documents.