Excellent governance is reflected in the aims, vision and planning of the academy to ensure that all learners achieve their full potential. Governance arrangements embody a desire for continuous improvement. As part of The Rivers C of E Multi Academy Trust our governors act as a school improvement board (SIB).
Summerhill's Little Treasures is part of the The Rivers C of E Multi Academy Trust. The Trust is run by members and Trustees. The members act like shareholders and are responsible for the Trust’s formation. They are informed of on-going activities by receiving reports from the directors and by attending the annual general meeting.
The Trust Board are responsible for delivering the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Trust. They are capable of holding the academy to account and knowing how to bring about improvement. They ensure there is a strong commitment to leadership that establishes high expectations of pupil attainment; and leadership that understands that school improvement and development is fundamentally about establishing high-quality teaching and learning for the school community. Through monitoring and evaluation, the focus will be on continuous and ongoing improvement.
Members of the SIB provide effective and relevant challenge and support to their individual schools. This is underpinned by a proactive approach to their own continuous development, training and knowledge.
The level of authority delegated to the SIB is captured within the Governance Structure, which is documented here on the The Rivers C of E Multi Academy Trust website.
If you would like to become a SIB member, please email:
Governance at Rivers CofE Academy Trust: Moving Forward
During the last eighteen months, Rivers conducted its first external review of governance since the trust was established in 2014. The review was commissioned because trustees and school improvement boards recognised that the governance needs of the trust have changed as a result of its rapid growth over the last five years. Nationally, multi-academy trusts are recognising that trust governance needs to evolve as trusts develop and grow and many are now looking to implement new governance structures. Rivers is committed to being a leader and champion of innovative and sector-leading governance practice.
Historically, the trust’s local governance has been provided through local governing bodies and, more recently, school improvement boards. The new structure will create advocate roles at local level to replace the existing school improvement boards. The aim of the proposed new governance structure is to define clearly the roles and responsibilities of the different governance tiers to avoid duplication, to strengthen communication between governance tiers and to maximise the use of the skills, knowledge and expertise of everyone within the governance team in order to ensure impactful governance across the trust. The new structure will ensure that pupils remain at the core of all decision-making. Trustees recognise the importance of the local voice and are committed to ensuring that the local tier contributes to the development of organisational thinking. Importantly, the election of two parent representatives per school will ensure that the voice of parents/carers will contribute to decisions made at trust board level.
The final 2020/21 signed Summer Park MAT financial statements can be found in the documents below.
Summer Park Multi Academy Trust 2021 FinStat - click to view
Declarations-SummerHillJubileePark - click to view
Meetings-SummerHillJubileePark. - click to view
Members-SummerHillJubileePark. - click to view